
Trend Industry

Another fashion advertisement seen as racist was from GAP, an American worldwide clothes brand. It options 4 playful young women, with a tall White woman leaning along with her arm on a shorter Black woman's head. Upon release, some viewers harshly criticized it, claiming it reveals an underlying passive racism. A representative from The Root commented that the advert portrays the message that Black people are undervalued and seen as props for White folks to look higher. Others saw little problem with the advert, and that the controversy was the outcome of individuals being oversensitive. British high style model, Jimmy Choo, was blamed for having sexism in its ad which featured a female British model carrying the model's boots. In this two-minute ad, men whistle at a model, walking on the street with red, sleeveless mini dress. This advert gained a lot backlash and criticism by the viewers, because it was seen as selling sexual harassment and other misconduct. Although the